Testing Center
NWTI Testing Center Information
General Information
The NWTI Testing Center is located in Room 130 of the administration building at Northwest Technical Institute. Seven computers are available for testing. While the Student Services Staff makes every attempt to ensure that the NWTI Testing Center is open for student testing, there may be instances where the NTWI Testing Center will be closed. Advance notice of closing will be posted on the outside of the Student Services Office and on the front doors of the Administration Building.
Testing Hours
The NWTI Testing Center is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00am until 12:00 pm and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00pm until 4:00pm. Computer availability is based on a first come, first served basis. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 479-751-8824. Hours may vary due to holidays and school breaks. NWTI students take preference over all other test takers.
Testing Fees
Accuplacer Exam Fee is $10.00 (NWTI full exam packet) or $5.00 per exam
Testing Scores
The Accuplacer Exams are part of Northwest Technical Institute’s general admission process. All students who plan to enroll into a diploma granting program, and certain non-diploma classes at NWTI must pass the Accuplacer Exam or have the required ACT scores for general admission.
The Accuplacer is an untimed, adaptive, computer-based college placement exam. You must take the NWTI Basic Arithmetic to be considered for admission to NWTI. The Accuplacer exam can be retaken 14 days after the last test date.
Below are the scores needed for Automotive Service Technology, Ammonia Refrigeration Maintenance Technology, Professional Business Services, Medium/Heavy Truck Technology, Electronics Technology, Information Systems, Industrial Maintenance Technology and Welding Technology:
Next Generation Accuplacer
Arithmetic | 222 |
Reading Comprehension | 224 |
Math | 16 |
English | 10 |
Below are the scores needed for Licensed Practical Nursing, and Surgical Technology:
Next Generation Accuplacer
Arithmetic | 249 |
Reading Comprehension | 260 |
Testing Rules
Test takers are required to show a photo ID before taking the exam. NWTI will provide scratch paper and pencils. Students are not allowed to use their own calculator on the tests. Please leave your cell phone in your vehicle. NWTI offers lockable lockers for you to secure valuables during the exam. NWTI will provide two copies of the test scores to the test taker. Extra copies of the exam will result in an additional $5.00 charge.